About me
I am a mother of two young children, a partner, mentor, friend, and a community-minded educational leader. I also have been a small business owner, cook, agricultural laborer, K-12 teacher, community college instructor, K-12 principal, and I am now a TRIO program director. I started my first career directly out of high school as a CSA farmer; rows of vegetables grow just beautifully regardless of punctuation… Community Supported Agriculture, food security, and the therapeutic nature of home gardening inspire me! I am a person labeled with the disability coined dyslexia, and K-12 special education and community college disability support services changed my life trajectory. I believe we can increase the success rates for students with disabilities! I am deeply passionate about educational leadership and systems, programs, and mentoring that create clearly articulated pathways out of poverty for generations to come. Pay it forward!:) TRIO WORKS! ❤️